Lathyrus aureus

Lathyrus aureus

 Koru mürdümüğü

Sturdy, erect, sparsely pubescent perennial. Stems 50-80 cm, not winged. Leaves pinnate, aristate; leaflets 3-5-paired, ovate, acute to acuminate, 50-100 x 18-50 mm, pinnately veined, dotted with brownish glands below; stipules ovate to lanceolate, semi-sagittate, those of the lower leaves broader than stem. Peduncles 1/2 as long as leaves to nearly as long, raceme 12-25-flowered. Flowers gingery-orange, 16-20 mm. Calyx 8-12 mm, gibbous, pubescent to nearly glabrous; teeth very unequal, lowest tooth 1-1 1/2 x tube, the upper pair much shorter. Corolla wings usually a little longer than keel, blade of standard suborbicular and shorter than claw. Legume linear, 50-70 x7-8 mm, gland-dotted when young. Seeds 6-12, smooth. Fl. 5-7. Forest and scrub, 15-2000 m. 
Bulgaria, Romania, Crimea, Caucasia; Greece? Euxine element. In facies similar to Vicia crocea , with which it has sometimes been confused. Records of Lathyrus aureus from the Amanus should probably be referred to the latter species, or to L. libani.
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