Lathyrus brachypterus

Lathyrus brachypterus


Erect, glabrous to ± pubescent perennial. Stems wingless, 20-40 cm. Median leaves pinnate or subdigitate, aristate; leaflets 2-3-paired, linear to oblong-linear, 25-55 x 2-7 mm, 5-parallel-nerved; stipules lanceolate-subulate, longer than the 2-4 mm petiole. Peduncles 1-2 x leaves, rather closely 2-10-flowered. Flowers cream or pale sulphur, 18-25 mm. Calyx 6-9 mm; teeth unequal, the lowest slightly shorter than tube. Style filiform except for the slightly dilated apex, 7-10 x 0.5-1 mm. Legumes linear. Fl. 5-7. Pastures, rocky slopes, 1500-2500 m.
1. Leaves pinnate var. brachypterus
1. Leaves subdigitate var. haussknechtii =Lathyrus haussknechtii
The species is closely allied to L. pallescens, from which it is most surely distinguished by its style. 
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