Lens ervoides

Lens ervoides

İnce mercimek


Slender, pilose annual, 10-30 cm tall. Leaves mucronate; leaflets 2-3-paired, oblong to linear, 5-15 x 1-2.5 mm; stipules entire, the lower ones semihastate, the upper obliquely lanceolate. Peduncles 1-2-flowered, not aristate or shortly so, 1-2 x the leaf. Calyx 3 mm, teeth much longer than tube. Corolla lavender, slightly longer than calyx. Legume broadly rhomboid, 6-7 mm, puberulent. Fl. 4-5. Rocky and gravelly places, and in Pinus brutia woods, 20-610m.

S.Europe, Crimea, N.W. Africa, W. Syria, Cyprus, Caucasia. Medit. element.

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