Lotus peregrinus

Lotus peregrinus

 Yaban gazalotu

Adpressed-pilose annual, 10-40 cm. Upper leaflets 1-1,4 x 0,6-0,8 cm, of varying shape, ovate to obovate, acute to obtuse; those of lower pair usually smaller. Umbels 2-3-flowered, on thick peduncles usually shorter than subtending leaves. Bracts longer than calyx. Flowers 8-12 mm. Calyx distinctly bilabiate, teeth unequal, about as long as tube. Corolla deep yellow, 2 x longer than calyx; standard slightly longer than wings and the strongly arched, short-beaked keel: Legume about 2,5-5 x 0,2 cm, straight, or shortly curved above, terete, sometimes slightly torulose. 2n = 28. Fl. 3-5. Rocky calcareous slopes and sand dunes, s.l.-c.100 m.
E. Mediterranean, from the Aegean to Egypt.