Medicago sativa

Medicago sativa

 Ssp coerulea: Gök yonca; Ssp sativa: Karayonca

Perennial herb, stems procumbent, ascending or erect, 15-70 cm, adpressed-pilose or subglabrous. Stipules entire or incised in lower part. Leaflets 4-18 x 2-10 mm, adpressed-pubescent, those of lower leaves obovate, those of upper leaves longer, cuneate-oblanceolate to linear-oblanceolate, serrate above, with the terminal tooth usually longer than the lateral teeth. Peduncle much longer than petiole, raceme 1-3 x as long as broad, 8-30-flowered. Flowers 6-12 mm, dusky violet or pale lavender . Calyx teeth subulate, 1-2 x as long as conical green tube. Fruit in an open spiral of 2-4 loose coils, 5-9 mm diam., reticulate-nerved, adpressed-pilose or rarely glabrous. Seeds 10-20, 1-2,5 mm long, yellow or brown. 2n = 16, 32.
1. Fruits 5-9 mm diam.; seeds 2·2-2·5 mm; flowers 6-12 mm ........................subsp. sativa 
1. Fruits 2,5-3,5 mm diam.; seeds 1,6-2,1 mm; flowers 5-6 mm ..............subsp. coerulea . Asia. )
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