Onobrychis marashensis

Onobrychis marashensis

Maraş korungası

Caespitose perennial with thick woody rootstock. Stems decumbent to ascending, 10-40 cm, short hairy. Stipules 2-10 mm, membranous, connate, glabrous to pilose. Leaves imparipinnate with 3-7 pairs of leaflets, 1-8 cm long including petioles. Leaflets elliptic-oblong to obovate-orbicular, 4-15 x 2-4 mm, mucronate, densely spreading to adpressed-pilose below, glabrous to sparsely pilose above. Peduncles 4-9 cm, 3-4 x length of subtending leaves. Inflorescence oblong-ovoid, 10-25 flowered, 1.5-3.5 cm long, elongating in fruit up to 7 cm. Flowers shortly pedicellate, erect; pedicels 1-2 mm. Bracts ovate-lanceolate, 1-2 mm, membranous with brownish midrib. Bracteoles paired, linear-setaceous, less than 1 mm. Calyx c. 6 mm, oblique at base, long spreading pilose especially on teeth and upper part of tube; tube c. 2 mm, venation prominent, gibbous and scarious on adaxial side; teeth unequal, linear-subulate, 4-4.5 mm, c. 2 x length of tube. Corolla pink with darker striations; standard broadly ovate to orbicular, 7-8 mm, glabrous, claw very short or absent; wings 3-4 mm; keel 5.5-7 mm, obviously shorter than standard. Legume 1-seeded, not stipitate, semi-orbicular, 7-12 x 6-7 mm with 1-6 mm long teeth on crest and shorter ones on disc, shortly adpressed pilose. FI. 6-7. Mountain steppe, stony places, calcareous slopes, forest clearing, 1700-2800 m.

Three varieties are recognized and can be distinguished as follows

1. Stems l0-40 cm; fruits 7-9 mm long, teeth 1-3 mm on crest

  2. Stems decumbent-ascending, 10-25 cm; leaflets usually 4-8 mm var. marashensis

  2. Stems ascending-erect, 30-40 cm; leaflets usually 7-15 mm var. longicanlis

1.Stems up to 11 cm; fruits 10-12 mm long; teeth 2-6 mm on crest var. alpina

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.

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