Onobrychis silvanensis

Onobrychis silvanensis

Silvan korungası

PLANTS perennial, Flowers in May though June, fruit mature in June though July; STEM striated, erect-ascending, branching from the base, 25–50 cm tall, the basal third covered with 1.5–2.5 mm white hairs and with shorter hairs above; stipules free, 5 mm long, linear-lanceolate and densely villose on the margins; LEAVES shorter than peduncle, with 5–7 pairs of 20–30 x 12–15 mm ovate-oblong leaflets; leaflets pilose below, glabrous above; INFLORESCENCE elongated, many-flowered , lax in fruit; Bracts linear-lanceolate, 2–3 mm long; Calyx 5–7 mm; densely hairy teeth longer than tube, upper teeth triangular, lower ones linear lanceolate, all acute to acuminate; corolla bright white; standard 16–17 mm long, emarginate with a pilose outer surface and yellow veins, and with intensely yellow dots at base; keel glabrous;15 mm long, truncated at the apex, wings ca. 4 mm ; FRUIT 30–32 x 15–17 mm wide, ± densely white- pubescent, margins entire, disc without spines.


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