Sartoria hedysaroides
Sartoria hedysaroides
Dwarf perennial with woody rootstock and short procumbent stems c. 6 cm long. Leaves with 2 pairs of obovate obtuse leaflets, c. 6 x 4 mm, and an indumentum of strongly adpressed short hairs on both surfaces. Stipules united, scarious, pilose. Peduncles slightly longer than leaves. Inflorescence ovateoblong, up to 16-flowered. Calyx 6,5 mm, including teeth as long as or slightly longer than tube, densely ± adpressed pilose. Corolla pink; standard 12 mm, glabrous; wings 8 mm; keel 12 mm. Fruit c. 22 x 6 mm, ovate-oblong, adpressed pilose, membranous, attenuate-stipitate at base, 2-3-seeded, reticulately nerved, unarmed. Rocky slopes, 1500 m.