Sophora alopecureoides
Sophora alopecuroides
Pubescent, rhizomatous perennial, 50-100 cm. Leaflets 10-20 x 5-10 mm, oblong, 7-12-paired, densely hairy on both surfaces. Inflorescence 60-80-flowered, simple. Flowers cream, subsessile. Calyx 7-8 mm, the teeth c. 1 mm, densely pubescent. Corolla 18-20 mm, the standard recurved through 90°. Lomentum 7-10 cm, 3-10-seeded, strongly contracted between the seeds. Fl. 4-7. Edges of fields, banks, rarely on sand-dunes, s.l.-1750 m.
1. Stem adpressed-hairy, the hairs pointing upwards ....................var. alopecuroides
1. Stem patulous-hairy, the hairs spreading or deflexed ..................var. tomentosa