Trifolium ochroleucum
Trifolium ochroleucum
Mızrak üçgülü
Ascending to erect perennial with a creeping root stock, 20-50 cm. Stipules with the free portions subulate. Leaflets oblong-elliptic to lanceolate, 2-5 cm. Inflorescence globose to ovoid, elongating in fruit, 1-2 cm wide, sessile or short-peduncled, subtended by a pair of leaves. Calyx 10-nerved, hirsute or villous; tube closed by a 2-lipped callosity; teeth lanceolate-subulate, acute, ciliate, stellately spreading when ripe, lowest tooth twice as long as the rest. Corolla cream-coloured or rarely pink, 15-18 mm, standard tapering. Fl. 6-7. Grassy places in shade, roadsides, etc., 400-2000 m.
Scattered throughout Europe, Morocco, Iran .