Trifolium stellatum

Trifolium stellatum

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Erect or ascending annual, 10-20 cm. Stipules ovate, foliaceous, toothed. Leaflets 5-8 mm, obcordate, the apex retuse. Inflorescence globose to broadly obovoid, 1,5-2,0 cm wide in flower, up to 3 cm in fruit, longly pedunculate. Calyx campanulate, 10-nerved, densely subadpressed-hispid, teeth linear, acute, becoming spreading in fruit; throat closed by a hairy ring. Corolla white or pink, rarely purple or yellow, 15-18 mm, rarely longer than the calyx. Fl. 4. Roadsides, fields and amongst scrub, s.l-900 m.
1. Flowers white or pink
  2. Plants patulous-hairy
    3. Corolla about as long as the calyx ....var. stellatum
     3. Corolla conspicuously longer than the calyx .............................var. longiflorum
  2. Plants adpressed-hairy ..........var. adpressum
1. Flowers creamy yellow ....................................var. xanthinum