Trigonella cretica
Trigonella cretica
Ada nefeli
Glabrous, erect or ascending-erect, often branched from base, stems 10-25 cm. Stipules lanceolate-acuminate, dentate to incised. Leaflets broadly obovate-cuneate, obtusely denticulate, 10-20 x 5-15 mm. Peduncle 1-3 cm. Flowers 8-12, deflexed, forming a lax ovate to oblong raceme. Calyx campanulate, 2-2,5 mm, teeth triangular, half as long as tube. Corolla yellow, 6-7 mm. Fruits flat, parchment-like, broadly elliptic to orbicular, 10-13 x 9-12 mm, with wing 1-1,5 mm broad, 1-2-seeded. Seeds compressed, ovate to oblong, 4 x 3-3,5 mm, tubercled. Fl. 4-6. Eroded banks, waste places, 100-500 m.
Aegean islands. E. Medit. element.