Vicia assyriaca

Vicia assyriaca


Annual, shortly and sparsely crisp-pubescent; stems 20-35 mm, procumbent. Leaflets 4-7-paired, 5-18 x 1-3 mm, linear-cuneate, truncate to sometimes obtuse of notched; stipules minute, lanceolate to triangular; tendrils short, usually simple. Peduncle much shorter than flowers but longer than calyx, 1-3-flowered.  flowers 15-18 mm, pale yellow. Calyx 6-9 mm, campanulate, gibbous, with a rather oblique mouth, pubescent; teeth unequal, much shorter than tube, triangular-subulate. Standard with a wide rounded-retuse limb longer than claw. Legumes generally oblong, 15-18 x 6-8 mm, convex at both edges, glabrous. Seeds 1-3, hilum short. 2n = 14. Fl. 4-5. Fallow fields, 500-1100 m.

W. Iran, Syrian Desert, N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element.

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