Vicia lathyroides
Vicia lathyroides
Slender, more or less pubescent annual, 8-40 cm, decumbent to ascending. Leaflets 2-4-paired, 4-15 x 1-5 mm, the lower cuneate-obovate, the rest oblong to linear-lanceolate, truncate to retuse, sometimes acute, mucronulate; stipules subentire, semi-sagittate; tendrils generally short, simple. Flowers mostly solitary, 6-9 mm, subsessile or short-pedicelled, violet, rarely bluish or white. Calyx 3-5 mm, almost regular, pilose; teeth about as long as tube, subequal, lanceolate-subulate. Legumes linear, 15-30 x 2-4 mm, contracted into a short recurved beak, glabrous. Seeds 5-8, 1,5-2 mm, tuberculate, hilum minute.· Fl. 3-5. Open Pinus brutia forest, rocky slopes, S. screes, s.l.-2000 m.
Most of Europe, N. W. Africa, Cyprus, Syrian Desert ; N. Iraq?