Centaurium pulchellum
Centaurium pulchellum
Pembe tukul
Glabrous annual, 2-20 cm, usually without a distinct basal rosette. Stem with 2-5 internodes, somewhat branched from below middle, rarely simple and 1-flowered. Leaves ovate, oblong to lanceolate, increasing in length upwards. Inflorescence with divaricating branches. Flowers ± stalked, 10-13 mm. Calyx nearly equalling corolla tube; corolla pink to purple, rarely white, lobes 3,5-4 mm. 2n = 36. Fl. 4-7. Marshy places, dry rocky hillsides, clearings, weed on arable land, s.l.- 2600 m.
Europe, N. Africa, Caucasus, W. & C. Asia.