Gentiana olivieri


Gentiana olivieri


Herbs with 1-3 erect flowering stems 10-30 cm from a basal rosette. Rootstock sheathed with a fibrous collar at apex. Internodes few, except for uppermost greatly exceeding cauline leaves. Rosette leaves to 15 cm, oblanceolate, obtuse or subacute; cauline to 6 cm, lanceolate, bases perfoliate and sheathing stem. Flowers 3-10, forming a ± terminal head, 5-merous. Calyx 12-15 mm, divided to ½ . Corolla blue, ± white-marked inside, 20-30 mm, divided to c. 1/3 ; subsidiary lobes ½  as long. Capsule tapering to style and short stalk. Fl. 4-7. Grassland on limestone, marl or clay, 350- 2300m.
N.Iraq, Iran , Afghanistan, C. Asia eastwards to Tian Shan. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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