Gentiana pyrenaica
Gentiana pyrenaica
Pir gentiyanı
Herbs with often numerous stems from a branching rhizome, forming clumps or shortly creeping. Stems 2-5 cm, with to 6 internodes on each shoot but branching from lower ± tufted leaves; flowers solitary, terminal. Leaves narrowly lanceolate to linear, to 15 x 4 mm, lowest very small and scale-like. Flowers 5-merous but with very large subsidiary lobes and thus appearing 10-merous. Calyx 12-20 mm, c. ½ x corolla, divided to c. ¼ . Corolla dark blue or violet-blue, 20-30 mm, divided to c. ¼ ; lobes ovate, obtuse, spreading; subsidiary lobes ± dentate at apex. Capsule stipitate. Fl. 5-8. Alpine turf, 1800-3100 m.
S. Europe , Caucasia, ?N.W. Iran. Euro-Sib. element.