Gentianella caucasea


Gentianella caucasea


Kaf boduranı
Biennial; stem to 30 cm, usually branched in upper part to form a ± dense terminal head, but often also branched in lower part. Stems ± sharply angled or subterete, with 4-10 internodes. Basal leaves spathulate; cauline gradually becoming ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate and acute or subacute upwards, sometimes slightly widened above base but with a short but distinct petiole; largest leaves to 40 x 12 mm. Flowers 5-merous. Calyx divided to more than ½ -way, lobes lanceolate, equalling or slightly exceeding corolla tube, erect; tube sometimes split on one side. Corolla purplish blue, rarely yellowish white, tube greenish yellow, 22-28 mm, lobes broadly ovate, subacute. Capsule shortly stipitate. Fl. 7-8. Moist subalpine meadows and woodland margins, 1700-2600 m.
Caucasia, N.W. Iran. Euxine element