Lomatogonium carinthiacum

Lomatogonium carinthiacum


Diminutive annual alpine herb. Stem 3-10 cm. Basal leaves forming a rosette, ovate to oblong; cauline few, opposite or whorled, oblong. Inflorescence a few-flowered dichasial cyme. Pedicels often purple-tinged, elongating after anthesis. Calyx divided to c. 5/6; lobes ovate, obtuse to subacute, 1/2 2/3x corolla lobes. Corolla pale to steely blue or whitish; lobes elliptic, acute. Fl. 7-9. Wet or dry loam below melting snow patches, 2300-3505 m.

C. Europe, Caucasia, C. Asia, N. America.

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