Geranium lazicum

 Geranium lazicum


Sin: G.cinereum var lazicum
Tap-rooted perennial, 5-50 cm, with shortly branched caudex sheathed in old stipules. Leaves mostly basal, 1,5-5 cm diam., palmatifid to c. ½ ; segments broadly cuneate, apically 2-6-lobed. Stems 1-12-flowered, often crisply pubescent, procumbent or ascending, rarely erect, often leafless when the long peduncles arise from the basal rosettes. Sepals 6-12 mm, adpressed-pubescent and ± pilose. Petals broadly obovate, emarginate, 13-18 mm, pink, purple or white. Mericarps pilose. Subsp. cinereum grown in the Pyrenees, and several closely related taxa have been described from Spain and Morocco. Several varieties of subsp. subcaulescens  may be recognised in Anatolia; where this eastern subspecies has its centre of diversity.
1. Leaf segments 2-3-lobed, sometimes entire
    2. Flowers pink or purple; even the outer sepals ± obtuse; leaves ± canescent
        3. Stems 3-12-flowered, 30-50 cm, erect; basal leaves 4-5 cm diam., segments trifid ...................var. elatius
        3. Stems 1-4-flowered, 5-15 cm, procumbent or ascending; basal leaves 1,5-3 cm diam.; segments trifid or entire
          4. Leaf segments mostly trifid to not more than halfway, with obtuse or subacute lobes var. subcaulescens
          4. Leaf segments entire, oblong-elliptical and acute, or deeply divided into similar lobes .......var. palmatipartitum
  2. Flowers white or pale pink; outer sepals acute; leaves densely canescent, in shape and size like those of var. subcaulescens .......var. subacutum
1. Leaf segments 3-6-lobed
   5. Leaves discolorous, adpressed-canescent below, green above, the lobes broadly ovate and obtuse; flowers pink, genitalia pale ..var.lazicum
     5. Leaves ± concolorous, adpressed-puberulent, often glabrescent with age, lobes ovate and acute, rarely lanceolate; flowers and genitalia dark ............var. ponticum
Endemic. Euxine element.
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