Gladiolus humilis

Gladiolus humilis

Bodur kılıçotu

Corm tunic with subparallel fibres. Stem 15-20 cm. Leaves 3; lamina of basalleaves 11-15 cm x 4-7 mm, green, acute, veins irregularly spaced, diverging from base. Spike 3-flowered, lax, not secund. Perianth purple or lower segments paler-coloured; tube narrow, curved, posterior 10-12 mm, anterior 13-15 mm; upper segments not or very shortly clawed, broadly acute, median elliptic or obovate-elliptic, 24-35 x 7.5-14 mm, lateral elliptic, 18-30 x 5-9 mm; lower segments obtuse, claw 1/7-1/3 x total length of segment, median 16-25 x 4-7 mm, lateral obovate-cuneate, 21-26 x 4-7 mm. Anthers 8-10 mm, filaments 9-13 mm. Style slightly curved, 2.2-3.2 cm, with ± equal, 3-4 mm stigmas dilated at tips. Capsule unknown. Fl. 6. Rocky south-facing slopes, c. 2100 m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.

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