Ballota nigra


Ballota nigra


Ssp anatolica: Gıripotu; Ssp foetida: Kokar nemnem; Ssp kurdica: Mor nemnem;
Ssp nigra: Yalancı ısırgan; Ssp ruderalis: Kırk nemnem
Plant bearing only simple hairs. Stems erect, 50-100 cm, simple or branched above. Cauline leaves ovate-orbicular to ovate, 25-70 x 20-50 mm, acute, crenate-dentate, truncate or rounded at base, distinctly petiolate. Inflorescence long, lax below. Floral leaves 1-2 x dense verticillasters. Bracteoles subulate, usually shorter than calyx tube. Calyx 7-10 mm, tubular-obconical, dilated above into usually 5, very short to attenuate teeth that are porrect to patent or recurved, mucronate or aristate. Corolla purple or pink, 9-14 mm; upper lip concave, emarginate or erose.
1. Calyx teeth nearly twice as broad as long, abruptly mucronate
   2. Calyx teeth divergent, mucro patent to ± deflexed or uncinate ....c. subsp. uncinata , Cyprus. Medit. element. )
   2. Calyx teeth porrect, mucro in line with the teeth .....b. subsp, foetida 
1. Calyx teeth longer than broad, erect, divergent or even recurved, attenuate mucronate
    3. Calyx teeth triangular-acuminate, porrect, 3-4 mm ..........a. subsp. nigra 
    3. Calyx teeth broadly ovate to ovate-triangular, 1.5-5 mm, divergent, patent or recurved
        4. Calyx teeth 1.5-2.5 mm, divergent; median leaves 1.5 x longer than broad, adpressed-pilose; corolla  up to 5 mm from calyx tube ........e. subsp. kurdica 
        4. Calyx teeth 3-4 mm, patent or recurved; median leaves 1-1.5 x longer than broad, subadpressed- pubescent; corolla tube exserted up to 3 mm from calyx tube..d. subsp. anatolica