Lamium galeobdolon

Lamium galeobdolon

 Ssp galeobdolon: Sarı balıcak; Ssp montanum: Meşe balıcağı

Stoloniferous perennial. Stem erect, 15-45 cm or more, sparsely to densely pilose, especially on angles; hairs yellowish-white. Leaves ± long-petiolate, ovate to ovate-orbicular or rhomboid, 20-55 x 13-50 mrn, coarsely dentate or crenate-dentate, truncate or slightly cordate at base. Floral leaves similar, uppermost narrower, with fewer teeth. Verticillasters 3-6, 2-10-flowered. Calyx 9-12 mm, teeth 1/4-1 x tube. Corolla yellow with brownish markings, 18-26 mm, tube short, straight, annulate. Nutlets 3 x 2 mm, triquetrous, obovoid, truncate at apex. Fl. 4-6.Carpinus woodland, field and reservoir margins, marshes, damp ravines and slopes, s.l.-100 m.
1. Uppermost bracts ± distantly and acutely serrate, 1.5-3.5 x as long as broad; stem hairs evenly distributed over angles and flat surfaces ..........subsp. montanum 
1. Uppermost bracts ± .obtusely crenate, 1-2 x as long as broad; stem hairs mainly on angles with only scattered hairs on flat surfaces .....................subsp.luteum 
Distribution of species: W., C. & S. Europe , C. & S. Russia, Caucasia.
Euro-Sib. element.
  • 780
  • 2
  • 0
  • 660
  • 1
  • 0
subsp. montanum
  • 711
  • 1
  • 0