Nepeta cilicica

Nepeta cilicica

 Gök pisikotu

Perennial; stems 22-100 cm, branched or not, glabrous, pilose or scabridulous eglandular to densely glandular papillose, green or maroon-flushed. Leaves triangular, ovate or oblong, 1.2-7.5 x 1-5.5 cm, truncate or cordate, dentate or crenate, ± glabrous to scabridulous, petiole 0.2-4.2 cm. Inflorescence branched or not, verticillasters congested or distant, cymes sessile or pedunculate, flowers few or many,± corigested. Bracteoles elliptic to linear, usually much shorter than calyx. Calyx tubular, 8-13 mm, ± straight, teeth triangular to narrowly triangular, 1/5-1/3 as long as tube, mouth oblique, lower lip somewhat cleft, ± scabridulous, glandular-papillose or not, green or purple tinged. Corolla violet to blue-purple, rarely red-purple, 22-31 mm, straight or curved, much exserted from calyx teeth. Nutlets elliptic to broadly oblong, trigonous, tuberculate, 2-2.8 x 1.3-1.5 mm. Fl. 5-9. Cliffs, rocks, gullies, limestone and soil slopes, coniferous and deciduous woods, 900-2700 m.
W. Syria. E. Medit. element. 
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