Nepeta congesta

Nepeta congesta

 Ssp congesta: Bozkır pisiği; Ssp cryptantha: Ala pisikotu

Perennial; stems single, erect, 28-50 cm, widely branched, sparsely to densely puberulous to villous, eglandular or with sessile glands. Leaves ovate-oblong to elliptic, 1.6-4.7 x 0.6-2.4 cm, crenate, uppermost rarely entire, truncate or cuneate, ± glabrous, puberulous or villous with sessile glands below; petiole 0.2-1.4 cm. Inflorescence a widely branched pale green thyrse, flowers clustered. Bracteoles elliptic, ± equalling calyx. Calyx ± campanulate, 5-8 mm, puberulous to villous, with sessile glands or not, teeth ± equalling tube, narrowly triangular, straight, rarely recurving. Corolla white or cream, 6-8 mm, shorter or longer than calyx teeth. Nutlets c. 2.2 x 1.8 mm, broadly oblong, rounded trigonous, usually finely tuberculate above. Fl. 4-6. Limestone crevices and screes, stony slopes, steppe, fallow or wheat fields, railway lines, 300-2100m.
 1- Stem with a short puberulous indumentum, often of ± retrorse hairs, occasionally interspersed with longer spreading hairs.....................var. congesta 
 1- Stem with a ± dense indumentum of spreading villous multicellular hairs, shorter hairs sometimes present .............................................var. cryptantha