Ocimum basilicum
Ocimum basilicum
Annual herb. Stems branched, erect, 15 cm- 1 m, shortly pubescent to subglabrous. Leaves ovate to lanceolate, 25-70 x 13-25 mm, usually remotely and shallowly dentate, subglabrous, glandular-punctate, glaucous , long-petiolate. Floral leaves bract-like, broadly ovate, acuminate, scarcely exceeding calyx, often coloured purple. Verticillasters 6-flowered. Calyx 3-4 mm in flower, 7-8 mm in fruit. Corolla white or pink, 7-8 mm, Stamens c. 6 x 8.5 mm. Style to 12 mm. Fl. 8-11. Cultivated in pots and in womens' herb gardens irrigated at set times daily.
Native to tropical Asia, Africa and America. Widely cultivated in Europe & S.W. Asia as a pot herb and sometimes naturalised.