Phlomis grandiflora

Phlomis grandiflora

Shrub to 200 cm, adpressed stellate-hairy. Leaves shortly stellate-hairy, green above, white-stellate-tornentose beneath, lower leaves ovate to oblong, shortly cuneate, rounded, truncate or cordate at base, 3-8 x 24 cm, entire or crenulate, petiole to 3 cm. Floral leaves sessile or shortly petiolate, oblong, to 2 x as long as verticillasters. Verticillasters 1-headed, many-flowered. Bracteoles numerous, broadly ovate to ovate-lanceleolate, acuminate, 12-18 x 3-10 mm, glabrous above, sparsely stellate-tomentose below, ± glandular-dotted, densely long-ciliate. Calyx 13-17 mm, with dense indumentum of minute stellate and less numerous spreading undivided hairs, teeth subulate, 2-3 mm. Corolla yellow, 30-40 mm. Nutlets glabrous. F1. 5-8. Pinus brutia forest, Quercus scrub, macchie, limestone slopes, rocks, 600-1220 m.
1. Lower leaves rounded or truncate at base ....................var. grandiflora
1. Lower leaves cordate at base ...........................................var. fimbrilligera
Distribution of species: Endemic. E. Medit. element. Near to P. lunariifolia
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