Phlomis syriaca

Phlomis syriaca

Herb to 100 cm, eglandular. Leaves densely ± yellowish subadpressed stellate-tomentose on both sides, basal ones often densely pannose, oblong, obtuse, cordate at base, crenulate, 8-14 x 2-6 cm, petioles to 10 cm; cauline ones smaller, oblong to lanceolate, truncate or shortly cuneate at base, shortly petiolate. Floral leaves lanceolate-linear, as long as or lower longer than verticillasters. Inflorescence long, with 5-8 ± distant, 4-8-flowered verticillasters. Bracteoles few, subulate, 2-6 mm, tomentose. Calyx 10-15 mm, densely subadpressed yellowish stellate-tomentose, teeth lanceolate-acuminate, 2-4 mm. Corolla 20-25 mm, yellow. Nutlets glabrous or papillose at apex. Fl. 6-7. Dry hills, steppe, 130-1580 m
W. Syria, Syrian Desert. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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