Salvia cadmica

Salvia cadmica

 Kaya şalbası

Perennial herb with a woody rootstock; stems many, ascending erect, unbranched, 8-34 cm, densely glandular-villous. Leaves mostly basal, ovate-oblong to elliptic, simple, 1.5-5 x 1-2 cm, or with 1-2 pairs of small lateral basal lobes, rugulose, crenulate, glandular-pilose; petiole 1.5-5 cm. Verticillasters 4-8-flowered, ± distant. Bracts broadly ovate, c. 15 x 15 mm. Pedicels 2-3 mm, erecto-patent, Calyx broadly campanulate, c. 17 mm, broadening and membranous with increasingly divergent lips in fruit, glandular-villous,  yellowish-green; upper lip subentire. Corolla white, c. 30 mm;tube straight below gradually widening above, annulate; upper lip ± straight, clearly shorter than lower. Stamens A. Nutlets rounded trigonous, ± spherical, c. 3.5 x 3.2 mm, dark brown. 2n = 14, 16. Fl. 5-7. Limestone and igneous slopes, cliffs, screes, in Quercus scrub and under Pinus, 900-1810 m.
Endemic. Characterised by the dwarf habit, usually entire leaves, long spreading glandular indumentum and the yellow-green, large fruiting calyces. Close to S. smyrnaea which is very similar in habit but apparently differing in calyx structure.
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