Sideritis cilicica

Sideritis cilicica


Perennial, 30-75 cm, simple or branched, densely adpressed or subadpressed white-pannose below, cobwebby-woolly and glandular, ± greenish above. Middle cauline leaves lanceolate to oblong, subobtuse or acutish, sessile, finely crenate-serrate, 3-6 x 0.6-2 cm. Verticillasters 10-15, 6-flowered, with internodes 1-4 cm. Middle bracts yellowish-green, puberulent and glandular, orbicular to reniform, 1.2-2 x 1-2.5 cm, with acumen 2-5 mm. Calyx 8-12 mm, teeth 3-4 mm, linear-lanceolate, subacute, with rounded sinus and somewhat constricted at base, densely hairy, tube glandular. Corolla yellow, 11-13 mm, hairy and with brown striae inside. Fl. 6-7. Open Pinus brutia forest, limestone slopes, macchie, 600-950 m.

Endemic. E. Medit. element.

  • 679
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  • 735
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  • 763
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