Stachys ahmet-savranii

Stachys ahmet-savranii

Slender, suffrutescent perennial with sterile basal rosettes. Flowering stems 5 - 18 cm long, unbranched, sparsely tomentose hairs, eglandular, with densely sessile glands. Basal leaves structure thin, fragile, broadly ovate to ellliptic - orbicular, 1 - 8 × 0.5 - 3 cm, crenate to crenulate, rarely serrate, apex obtuse, base cuneate to attenuate, sparsely tomentose; petiole 1 - 5.5 cm long. Cauline leaves 1 - 2 pairs, similar to basal, 1 - 3.5 × 0.5 - 1.5 cm, mostly entire, rarely crenulate, cuneate at base, shortly petiolate; petioles 0.5 - 1.0 cm long. Floral leaves elliptic, sessile or subsessile with 1 - 3 mm long petiole, lamina about as large as and similar to cauline leaves, 1.6 - 3.3 × 0.6 - 0.8 cm, mostly entire, rarely crenulate, apex obtuse, base cuneate, equalling or longer than verticillasters. Verticillasters 1 - 2; 8 - 12-flowered, completely congested into dense and short spike. Bracteoles linear-lanceolate, 3 - 5 mm long, herbaceous, reaching nearly middle of calyx tube. Pedicels 1 - 2 mm long. Calyx regular, sub-campanulate, densely pilose, with sessile and stalky glands, mouth with densely pilose hairy ring, 8 - 15 mm long with 6 - 10 mm long tube and 2 - 3 mm long teeth at flowering; 10 - 15 mm long with 8 - 12 mm long tube and 2 - 3 mm long teeth at fruiting; teeth subequal, erect, bluntly triangular to triangular lanceolate, herbaceus, pilose at tip. Corolla cream yellow; lips streaked and spotted violet inside, pilose outside, minutely hairy inside, 10 - 18 mm long with 8 - 13 mm tube, 3 - 4 mm long upper lip and 4-6 mm long lower lip, tube minutely hairy in the upper half outside and glandular hairy, inside glabrous, annulate; Filaments exserted. hairy at lower half . Stamens 4, exserted on the upper part of the corolla tube, exserted beyond the mouth of the tube; filaments 2 - 2.5 mm long, dilated and with a few swollen hairs below; anters ca. 1.0 mm long with parallel thecae. Style 3 – 4 mm long, bifid with equal 0.8 - 1 mm long branches. Ovary glabrous, 4-lobed; nutlets 2.5 - 3 × 1.5 - 2.1 mm, brownish, usually obovoid, the surface ornamentation is reticulate-papillate, without hairs.
