Stachys arvensis

Stachys arvensis

 Tarla karabaşı

Hirsute annual. Stems 3-20 cm, erect. Cauline leaves cordate-ovate, 5-10 x 5-15 mm, obtuse, crenate, hirsute; floral leaves oblong-elliptic to ovate, lower 20-25 x 8-15 mm. Verticillasters 6, 4-6-flowered, ± remote below, becoming crowded towards apex. Calyx 5-7 mm, teeth subequal to tube. Corolla pinkish, 6-8 mm, hardly exceeding calyx; upper lip c. 2 mm, entire, lower 2-3 mm. Nutlets dark brown. Fl. 3-9. Fallow fields, on serpentine soil, open sward in Pinus brutia forest, s.l.-100 m,
S.W. & C. Europe, N. Africa, Lebanon, extending into.E. Africa and America. 
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