Stachys menthoides

Stachys menthoides

Nane delisi
Herbaceous perennial with creeping rhizomes. Flowering stems 20-65 cm, usually branched above. Stems and leaves glabrous with few sessile glands. Lower leaves ovate-lanceolate, 4-9 x 1-4 cm, serrate, apex acuminate, truncate to cuneate at base, subsessile to shortly petioled, petiole 0.5-1 cm. Floral and median cauline leaves similar but with mucronate apex, subsessile to sessile. Verticillasters 4-6-flowered, ± approximate at apex, few remote below. Bracteoles lanceolate to linear, 1.5-4 mm, herbaceous, mucronate at apex, hirsute. Pedicels 0.2-0.5 mm. Calyx sub-bilabiate, subcampanulate, 7-9 mm; teeth subequal, oblong-acuminate, mucronate, recurved; tube hairy. Corolla pink, 10-12 mm, tube subexserted, saccate. Nutlets bluntly trigonous, 1.3 x 2 mm, apiculate, ventral rib prominent. Fl. 6-9. Streamsides, damp places, 1550-2300 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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