Stachys spinulosa

Stachys spinulosa

 Kıl karabaş

Erect to procumbent annual, 10-70 cm. Stems sparsely and patently pilose to hispid above, ± glabrous below, aculeolate at angles. Cauline leaves ovate-elliptic to ovate, 1.6-7.5 x 1.5-4.6 cm, margin crenate, apex obtuse to acute, base cordate, petiole 0.6-6.5 cm. Floral leaves subsessile to sessile, ovate-oblong  to oblong-lanceolate, 1.3-4.5 x 0.4-1.2 cm, margin serrate, apex acute with soft spinescent tip, base cuneate. Verticillasters remote, 4-6-flowered. Bracteoles linear, setaceous, often hairy, 1-2 mm. Pedicels 1-2 mm. Calyx subbilabiate, campanulate, 9-12 mm; teeth ovate-triangular with short spinescent  tip, 1/2 x tube. Corolla yellow, 18-22 mm, tube exserted. Nutlets obovoid, 2 x 1.5 mm. Fl. 4-6. Limestone ledges and cliffs, clay fields nr coast, s.l.-700m.
S. part of Balkan Peninsula, Aegean Islands. E. Medit. element. 
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