Teucrium semrae
Teucrium semrae
Kaya güzeli
Saxatile shrubs, stems prostrate to the substrate, up to 15 cm long, flowering stems fragile, whitish-grey at base, leafy and flowering stems yellowish-green or green, throughout densely villose and glandular. Leaves 7‒2 × 4‒6 mm, tripartite to 1/3‒1/2, rarely 2-partite, very rarely entire or young leaves entire, slightly discolorous, upper surface bright green, lower surface greyish-green or greyish; densely villose and glandular on both surfaces, attenuate at the base; lobes lanceolate to obovate and obtuse to acute at apex, middle lobes usually longer and broader than laterals; middle lobes 4‒6 mm long; lateral lobes 2‒3 mm long. Bracts similar to leaves, deeply tripartite, 5‒10 × 3‒6 mm, longer than pedicel and shorter than calyx. Verticillasters 2-flowered. Pedicels 2‒5 mm long, densely villose and glandular papillate. Calyx 4.5‒6.5 mm long, broadly campanulate, densely villose and glandular papillate, distinctly 10-nerved, teeth triangular, mucronate/muticous, 2.5‒3 mm long, as long as tube or rarely longer. Corolla 6–8.5 mm long, blue, sparsely villose and glandular at upper lip and lower lip outside; upper lip 2-paired, lobes lanceolate; lower lip 3-partite, middle lobe broader than lateral lobes. Style unequally bifid and exceeding the calyx. Stamen 4, exceeding the upper lip; posteriors longer than inferiors. Nutlet pale brown, 2.2‒2.7 mm long, densely hairy and glandular from 1/3 of base, hilum half of the inner surface.