Thymus atticus

Thymus atticus

Ergene kekiği

Plant with procumbent to ascending woody shoots forming loose mats and bearing axillary leaf fascicles. Flowering stems ascending to erect, with axillary fascicles of small leaves at base, finely pubescent all round. Leaves 12-25 x 1 mm, linear, subobtuse, glabrous, ciliate in lower half, lowest smaller, spathulate. Inflorescence densely capitate. Bracts 8-11 x 2.7-4.5 mm, broadly ovate, narrowed apically from middle, subobtuse, coriaceous, straw-coloured at least at base, with 4 pairs of strong whitish lateral veins, shortly adpressed-pubescent beneath, ciliate. Bracteoles to 2 mm. Calyx 5-7 mm, puberulent; upper lip longer than lower teeth, upper teeth to 3 mm, straw-coloured, lanceolatearistate. Corolla whitish or pale pink, c. 8 mm. Fl. 6. Open rocky or gravelly ground, roadsides, in Pinus brutia forest, 50-c. 200 m.

E. Balkan peninsula.  E. Medit. element.

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