Thymus leucostomus
Thymus leucostomus
Ana kekik
Subshrub with woody arching branches ending in an inflorescence and sending ± erect, sometimes weakly branching flowering stems 5-15 cm. Axillary fascicles of small linear leaves and usually also some small carnose, ovate basal leaves present. Cauline leaves 5.5-8 x 1-1.7 mm, linear to ligulate-lanceolate, obtusish, flat, ciliate basally or to middle; oil dots sparse to numerous on both sides, usually red; midrib pale, lateral veins not prominent, evanescent. Inflorescence 2-5 cm, usually with 1-3 verticillasters remote. Bracts leaf-like. Bracteoles 1.5-3 mm, usually longer than pedieels, Calyx 4-4.5 mm, tube usually somewhat shorter than lips, white hairy in throat. Corolla white, 5-7 mm. Fl. 5-7. Alt. 670-1600 m.
1. Stems usually ± coarsely hairy with reflexed and intermingled semi-patent hairs; leaves ± pilose at least on midrib beneath; upper calyx teeth 1-1.4 mm, ciliate ..........................var, leucostomus
1. Stems shortly retrorse-hairy ; leaves glabrous; upper calyx teeth 0.6-0.9 mm, usually not ciliate
2. Leaves 1-1.6 mm wide; oil dots red, inflorescence 2-20 cm, interrupted ............ var. argillaceus
2. Leaves 0.5-0.9 mm wide; oil dots pale yellow; inflorescence a loose head c. 0.5-1 cm diam. var. gypsaceus