Thymus praecox

Thymus praecox

 Ssp caucasicus: Kaf kekiği; Ssp grossheimii: Yayla kekiği

Mat-forming, with long ± woody creeping branches, non-flowering or with a terminal inflorescence. Flowering stems mainly 1-5 cm, borne in rows, each with a basal cluster of small ± carnose keeled leaves. Cauline leaves usually becoming gradually larger towards the capitate inflorescence, lanceolate-obovate to ovate-elliptic or almost orbicular, ± obtuse, variously petiolate, ciliate to 1/3-1/2, ± firm; oil dots pale and sparse; lateral veins 2-3 pairs, prominent, ± joining to form a marginal thickening. Bracts similar to leaves but often suffused with purple and outer ones usually larger. Bracteoles 0.5-2.5 mm, often longer than pedicels. Calyx 3.3-5 mm, ± purple, tube campanulate, usually somewhat shorter than lips; lips equal; upper teeth 0.7-1.2 mm, longer than broad, usually ciliate. Corolla mauve to purple, rarely whitish, 5-7 mm. Fl. 5-8. Stony and rocky mountain slopes, 1000-3600 m.
1. Basal leaves ±sessile; middle flowering stem leaves 4-6 x 1.7-3 mm, usually at least 2 x as long as broad; flowering stems hairy all round .........subsp.skorpilii
     2. Stems shortly hairy with reflexed to patent hairs; leaves glabrous, rarely weakly scabrous to shortly pilose,  lanceolate-obovate to ovate-elliptic .....var. skorpilii 
    2. Stems long-villous; leaves with scattered long villous hairs above, ovate-elliptic  ...var.laniger
1. Basal leaves ± petiolate; middle flowering stem leaves 6-12 x 4-9 mm, usually less than 2 x as long as broad, often ± orbicular; flowering stems hairy all round or along two opposite sides ...................................subsp. grossheimii
   3. Flowering stems hairy all round ................................................var. grossheimii
   3. Flowering stems hairy along two opposite sides only .....................var. medwedewii