Thymus zygioides

Thymus zygioides

 Bodur kekiği

Flowering stems 2-8 cm in rows on long creeping woody branches which bear axillary leaf fascicles distally. Leaves 6.5-15 x 0.8-1.7 mm, narrowly spathulate, obtuse, ± carnose, ciliate to above middle. Inflorescence capitate. Bracts 4-10 x 1-2.5 mm, ovate-ligu1ate to elliptic, with pale base and ± prominent venation. Bracteoles c. 1 mm, lanceolate to elliptic. Calyx 3.5-4.5 mm, tinged with purple, tube shorter than lips, upper teeth to 1 mm. Corolla pink, to 7 mm. Fl. 4-6. Sandy or rocky ground in Pinus brutia woods, open macchie etc., s.l.-1600 m.
1. Stems retrorsely pubescent; leaves carnose, glabrous except for short marginal cilia, oil dots sparse, yellowish to orange; upper calyx teeth 0.40.6 mm, triangular, often not ciliate .......var. zygioides 
1. Stems often with long patent hairs especially in distal part; leaves thinner, with more prominent veins, ± hairy, hairs and marginal cilia to 2 mm, oil dots numerous, orange to red; upper calyx teeth 0.6-1 mm, usually ciliate ...................var. lycaonicus 
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