Ziziphora tenuior
Ziziphora tenuior
Annual, shortly hispid. Stems 5-15 cm, simple to much-branched. Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, prominently nerved. Inflorescence a dense ± elongate oblong terminal spike. Bracts equalling or longer than leaves, linear. Calyx 6-8 mm. Corolla lavender, mauve or lilac, 8-10 mm, tube included in calyx, with limb not very broadly expanded, extending at most to 1.5 x calyx. Fl. 4-8. Steppe, rocky slopes, fallow fields, sandy and gravel banks, nr s.1.-1750 m.
S. Russia, Caucasia, S.W. & C. Asia. Ir-Tur, element.