Fritillaria crassifolia

Fritillaria crassifolia

Ssp crassifolia: Boynubükük; Ssp hakkarensis: Hakkari lalesi; Ssp kurdica: Boz lale
Stem 3-10 cm. Leaves 4-8, all alternate. Flowers 1-2, broadly campanulate; segments green or yellowish, marked and tessellated with brown, 1.5-2.8 cm. Nectaries linear, 8-12 x 1-2 mm, 3-5 mm above base of perianth. Filaments 5-9 mm, smooth or papillose. Style smooth, 5-8 mm, 3-fid; branches 2-4 mm. Capsule not winged.
1. Leaves usually 4, lowest 2.5-3 x as long as broad; nectary without raised ridge subsp. crassifolia 
1. Leaves usually 5-7, lowest 4-7 x as long as broad; nectary with raised ridge
   2. Inner segments obtuse; leaves glaucous subsp. kurdica 
   2. Inner segments acute; leaves shining green subsp. hakkarensis 
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