Gagea bohemica


Gagea bohemica


Syn: G.fistulosa
Bulbs with dark to pale brown tunics enclosing small dormant bulblets, new bulb forming beside old, sometimes entwined with thickened roots.  Basal leaves usually 2, linear, filiform, 3-10 x 0.1-0.15 cm, glabrous or rarely with short crisped hairs. Inflorescence paniculate, 2-5 cm, woolly above, glabrous below, but rarely glabrous or woolly throughout, sometimes replaced by a cluster of small bulbils at ground level. Cauline leaves 2-3, alternate, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, 1-4 mm broad, usually equalling flowers; a few bulbils sometimes present in leaf axils. Flowers 1-4. Pedicels 2-10 mm, not elongating during anthesis. Perianth segments yellow inside, greenish outside, spathulate, 10-16 x 2-4 mm, obtuse. Capsule obcordate. Fl. 2-4. Rocky slopes, 1000-1900 m.
W. Europe to S. Russia and Palestine; N. Africa?
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