Gagea fibrosa


Gagea fibrosa


Bulb solitary, in a pale brown papery tunic, usually with a split and elongated sheath to 3,5 cm, usually entwined with thickened roots. Basal leaves 1 or 2, linear, 2-4 mm broad, flat or canaliculate, much exceeding inflorescence. Inflorescence umbellate, 4-6 cm, the point of branching often near ground level. Cauline leaves 3-5, similar to basal leaves, whorled, lowest much overtopping flowers. Flowers 1-4. Pedicels 2-8 cm, woolly, longest ones always longer than scape. Perianth segments yellow inside, green outside, narrowly lanceolate, 15-25 x 2-4 mm, long-acuminate, margins hyaline. Capsule spherical to cylindrical, to 1,5 cm; seeds flat. Fl. 2-6. Pinus brutia forest, Quercus coccifera scrub, rocky limestone slopes, steppe, dunes, 10-1800 m.
N. Africa, Greece, Aegean, Cyprus, Caucasia, Iran, Turkestan, Arabia.
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