Gagea juliae


Gagea juliae


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Bulb with brown tunic, new bulb forming beside old. Basal leaves 2, linear, 1-2 mm broad, flat, much exceeding inflorescence. Inflorescence subumbellate, 2-10 cm, sparsely hairy. Cauline leaves alternate, lanceolate, to 8 x 0.5 cm, equalling or shorter than flowers. lowest rarely subtending a flower; 2 or 3 leaves at base of umbel. Flowers 1-10, usually c. 4. Pedicels to 4 cm, sparsely hairy, with a dense beard of hairs at junction of pedicel and flower. Perianth segments yellow, narrowly ovate, 9-11 x 2.5 mm, acute. Capsule not seen. Fl. 3-4. Edge of Pinus brutia forest, macchie, deciduous Quercus forest, 600-1300 m.
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