Ophrys cinereophila

Ophrys cinereophila

Kıbrıs salebi
Slender plant, 7-21 cm. Spike fairly lax, elongated, with 5-7 very small flowers. Sepals broadly ovate to lanceolate, yellowish to yellowish-green, dorsal sepal strongly curved over forwards. Petals oblong-lanceolate, with wavy margins, yellowish-green, rarely with a brownish tinge at margins. Petals and sepals forming a fairly loose helmet. Labellum 7-11 x 5-9 mm, dark brown to blackish-violet, strongly curved, 3-lobed, margins with a narrow pale yellow border, base grooved , densely pubescent and without protuberances. Speculum consisting of two separate oval patches, usually blue or brown, lower part rarely surrounded by a pale whitish border. Fl. 3-4. Mucchie, phrygtma, open pinewoods, asphodel pastures, and waste land; on calcareous soils, s.l.-400 m.
Greece, Cyprus. E. Medit. element. 
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