Orobanche hederae


Orobanche hederae


Tez canavarotu
Stem to 60 cm, glandular-pilose. Bracts equalling or longer than flowers. Calyx halves separated, undivided or bidentate ; teeth acute or filiform, 1-veined, equalling corolla tube or shorter. Corolla 10-23 mm, dilated above insertion of stamens, constricted below throat, dilated in limb, whitish or yellowish, reddish on upper lip, glabrous, rarely sparingly glandular-pilose; dorsal line straight from a curved base, curved downwards or erect on upper lip, or whole dorsal line curved; limb glabrous. Stamens inserted 3-4 mm above corolla base, filaments shortly pilose near base, anthers shortly apiculate. Style sparingly short glandular-pilose or glabrous; stigma yellow, often violet-ringed, becoming brown and almost black. Fl. 6-7. Usually on Hedera.
N. Africa, W. & S. Europe, Transcaucasia, N. Iran.
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