Pedicularis condensata


Pedicularis condensata


Kırk bitotu
Perennial. Stems 20-70 cm, erect, sturdy, unbranched, eglandular pubescent, rarely glabrous, with thick roots. Leaves oblong to oblong-lanceolate, bipinnatisect, 4-12 x 1.7-6 cm, serrate-crenate; basal long-petiolate , cauline few, alternate, sessile. Inflorescence a many-flowered, dense, oblong, elongated lanate spike, to 20 cm in fruit. Bracts pinnatifid or dentate, 10-20 mm. Pedicels erect-spreading, 1 mm. Calyx campanulate, 8-11 mm, ± lanate or with short hairs; tube 7-9 mm; lobes short, 1-3 mm, triangular, sub-equal. Corolla cream to yellow, 20-27 mm; tube 14-19 mm, curved; upper lip broad, obtuse, ± straight. Anthers mucronate; filaments all pubescent. Capsule obovate, obtuse, 7-9 mm, glabrous. Fl. 6-8. Abies, Pinus, Picea woodland, amongst Rhododendron, meadows, pastures, rocky slopes, 1430-3200 m.
Caucasia, N. Iran. Euxine element.
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