Phelipanche cernua

Phelipanche cernua

 Deli yergöbeği

Stem to 40 cm. Calyx teeth acuminate or subulate, 3-veined. Corolla 10-24 mm, inflated below insertion of stamens, constricted in middle, inclined forward in upper half, often geniculate, patent, white shining at base, amethyst blue towards throat, sparingly glandular. Stamens inserted a little below middle of corolla tube. Filaments glabrous or hairy at base. Stigma white or pale. Fl. 4-8. On Compositae , Solanaceae and Polygonum maritimum, nr s.l.-2700 m.
Mediterranean area, S.W. Asia eastwards to China and E. India, Australia.
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