Corydalis lydica


Corydalis lydica


Kirli kazgagası
Very glaucous with erect stems 5-10 cm, Leaves ternate with central leaflet again ternate, lateral leaflets entire or ± deeply cleft into 2-3 broadly elliptic lobes; petiolules short. Racemes 8-11-flowered, dense. Pedicels 10-35 mm, equalling or longer than bracts. Flowers creamy white, rarely pinkish purple , rather broadly winged, obtuse. Spur 11-13 mm, Inner petals 10 mm. Stigma broad, squarish, with a single pair of lateral geminate papillae. Capsules ovoid, 15-20 x 5-7 mm, 6-10-seeded, born on long recurved pedicels. Seeds 2.5 mm, with large elaiosomes. 2n=16.Stony slopes, 1400-1800 m.
Endemic. The compact growth, the stiff pedicels and the creamy white corolla are characteristic.
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