Chaenorhinum rubrifolium

Chaenorhinum rubrifolium

Mor balıkağzı

Erect slender annual, 5-12 cm, glandular-pubescent. Stem flexuous, simple or branched, adpressed to rocks. Lowest cauline leaves ovate, petiolate, purple below, median elliptic to lanceolate, subsessile. Raceme lax. Pedicels ascending or patent in fruit, slender, 6-10 mm, as long as or longer than leaf-like bracts. Calyx lobes 5-6 mm, linear to linear-spathulate, obtuse, usually patent or recurved. Corolla white, suffused with brownish lilac on upper side, c. 7 mm; spur tapering, 1,5-2 mm, subacute. Capsule spherical, 2-2,5 mm, 2-3 x as short as calyx lobes. Seeds 0,3-0,4 mm, ovoid-ellipsoid, ribs appearing verrucose , but low, much lower than width of prominently papillose valleculae, sinuate and, at least towards their broader end, thickened into blunt fluted teeth. Fl. 5. Crevices of limestone rocks and walls. 350-1200 m.

S. Europe , N.W. Africa, Cyprus, N. Iraq, W. Iran . Medit. element.

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